Get Ample Sleep

Of course that’s easier said than done, but “sleep deprivation can actually cause mental lapses and increase stress and frustration, as well as contribute to physical health problems. Despite our hectic schedules, we should maintain our regular sleep habits in order to feel refreshed and genuinely enjoy life. In addition to a good book and a cup of tea, you may also want to consider adding a white noise machine, a sleep mask, super-soft sheets, satin pillowcases and maybe even a weighted blanket (often compared to receiving a hug. Aww!) and our go to mattress of choice – the purple mattress- to your sleep routine.

White Noise Machine 👇
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Super Soft Sheets 👇
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Satin Pillowcases 👇
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Weighted Blanket 👇
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Purple Mattress 👇
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Health & Wellness: Taking A Bath